Features and Pricing

To use Pirform you need to purchase a licence. Pirform is licensed to the computer so you need a licence for each computer you will use Pirform on. There are two types of licence: Premium Edition and Lite Edition.

Read MorePremium EditionLite Edition
Electrical Certificates (BS 7671)
  • Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)
  • Electrical Installation Certificate (EIC)
  • Minor Works Certificate (MW)
Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System Certificates (BS 5839)
  • Certificate of Design
  • Certificate of Installation
  • Certificate of Commissioning
  • Certificate of Acceptance
  • Certificate of Verification
  • Certificate of Inspection & Servicing
  • Certificate of Modification
  • Domestic Dwelling Certificate (aka Certificate of Design, Installation and Commissioning of a Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System of Grade C, D or F in Domestic Premises)
(see 1)
Emergency Lighting Certificates (BS 5266)
  • Large Installation Certificate
  • Small Installation Certificate
  • Inspection and Test Certificate
(see 1)
Built in intelligence for electrical certificates
Generate PDFs for printing and issue
Creating circuit charts
Copy certificates
Copy certificate to different certificate type (eg: EIC to EICR)
Create Minor Works from existing EIC or EICR circuits
Copy boards and circuits
Automatic observations and limitations against schedule items
Comment directly against schedule items
Do not print schedule items that do not apply
Secure tamper protection on PDFs
Exclude boards from the PDFs
Company and association logos in PDFs and issued certificates
Engineer details and signatures
Automatic backup
Backup using Dropbox or OneDrive
Touch mode on Windows 10 or later
Central board and circuit management using Board Manager
Pre-release Electrical Installation Certificates with observations
Excel export for boards and circuits
Excel export for observations
Customisable drop down lists
Built-in spell checker
Attach photos in observations (see 1)
Attach documents and photos to certificates as appendices (see 1)
Built in photo editing (see 1)
Boards and circuits report (see 1)
Observations report (see 1)
Save certificates to file
(see 2)
Import certificates from file
(see 2)
Automatically generate certificate and PDF to file (see 2)
Complimentary licence with first Premium Edition licence
Merging boards and observations into a master certificate (see 2)
Notes: 1 = also available with Additional Reports Bolt On; 2 = also available with Certificate Sharing Bolt On

Pirform Pricing

Premium Edition

For Professional and Contract

Regularly issues certificates
Collaborates with other engineers
Work reviewed by other engineers

£199.00 + VAT per year

Lite Edition

For Single Engineers

Issues certificates infrequently
Works alone
Reviews own work

£75.00 + VAT per year

Lite + Bolt On

Adds features to Lite Edition

Certificate Sharing
Additional Reports
Requires a Lite Edition licence

£75.00 + VAT per year